The apprentice photographer
Photography is a brief complicity between foresight and chance
John Stuart Mill
The complexity of photography is because of its function itself. A good photograph is the one able to transform a moment of time into an immortal and unique one. It is this art of instantaneous that I have been appreciated for couple of years now. I take my camera everywhere I know it is interesting to catch: especially during my travels, I have snatched landscapes, portraits and details that are artistic memories between foresight and chance.
Terms and
Publisher :
Lisa Courtial
Hoster :
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
+33 9 72 10 10 07
Copyright :
The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material and content on this site including photographs, and graphical images and the organisation and layout of the site is owned by Lisa Courtial and/or its licensors.